O.R. Trueblood stepped out as president of the Torrance Chamber of Commerce Tuesday in a move designed to put the organization on a fiscal year basis. Fred Mill, 59, veteran civic leader, moved up from first vice president and will head the Chamber until June 30, 1959.
The new president explained that Trueblood stepped out of the office after serving only six months in order to facilitate the switch from a calendar to fiscal year basis. Mill said the move was taken to put the Chamber on the same financial schedule as the city government’s which contributes to the Chamber.
Mill is division controller and assistant secretary of the National Supply Company. Trueblood is manager of McMahan’s Furniture Store.
Under the reshuffle, J.H. Paget, manager of the Newberry store, will become first vice president; Dick Pyle, manager of the Pacific Telephone Company, second vice president and Glenn Koger, manager of Rome Cable Corp. will be treasurer. The terms of members of the board of directors will not be affected by the reshuffle.
Mill came to California in 1910 from Chicago, and started employment with the Union Tool Co., not National Supply, in 1919. He has served as director, treasurer and vice president of the Torrance Chamber, is past president of the Controllers Institution of American, Los Angeles Control, and past president of the Long Beach Chapter of the National Association of Accountants.
Active Leader
He is also an active member of the Torrance Rotary Club, Torrance Educational Advisory Council and serves on the taxation, fuel, power and water, and governmental regulations committees of the California Manufactures Association. Mill is secretary of the Torrance Industries Tax Committee and has served on a number of charity and community drives.