Torrance Bakery is partnering with Cincinnati based Busken Bakery for a fundraiser benefiting the charity of their choosing. Both bakeries have pledged a $2,500 donation based on Sunday’s game results. Busken Bakery will donate $2,500 to Torrance South Bay YMCA if the Rams win. Torrance Bakery will donate $2,500 to Seven Brothers Farm in Ohio if the Bengals win.
Donations to YMCA will be allocated towards the year-round Youth Institute of Media Arts program that promotes academic and career success for youth of culturally diverse backgrounds. Seven Brothers Farm is a farm based in Ohio that promotes connections between individuals of all ages and the land, works with children who have disabilities, and teach children team building skills, how to manage a farm, and other important skills for future success. While everyone wants their home team to take the Vince Lombardi trophy home, Torrance Bakery and Seven Brothers have used their Super Bowl spirit to create a win-win situation no matter the final score on Sunday.