I recently received an invitation from Terry O’Connor of Nativity Catholic School to attend CSI: Nativity. CSI: Nativity was a theme for Cuisine Scene Incredible. Curious, I made plans to attend.
As a former second grade teacher, I welcome every opportunity I can spend on a campus speaking with students and viewing classrooms. As I strolled the hallways, I took the time to read ghost stories that were written by students and displayed on a beautifully decorated cork board. I was drawn to pictures created by second graders of Lady Liberty and I smiled as I looked into a brightly colored, well-organized first grade classroom. Walking down a hallway, I noticed the Scholastic Book Fair and couldn’t help but go inside to purchase a number of books.
Making my way to the courtyard, the two piece band Good Cop/Bad Cop was playing one of my favorite Creedence Clearwater Revival songs. There were balloons, face painting, a bakery, food trucks, and a great sense of family on display. Everyone was having fun, including myself!
Dr. Michelle Wechsler is the principal of Nativity Catholic School. She explained to me that Nativity has Spanish, art, music, and a robotics program. She is passionate about the vision of the school.
The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased that Nativity Catholic School is a Chamber member.

by Donna Duperron
Donna is the President & CEO of the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce. Do you have questions about or concerns for business in Torrance? Donna would like to know. Feel free to contact her at any time.