Over the past few months, TACC staff has fielded questions from several members about minimum wage in Torrance. The two most common questions have been: (1) are businesses in the City of Torrance subject to LA County’s $15 minimum wage ordinance? and (2) Will the City of Torrance follow nearby cities that have raised minimum wage? The answer to both questions is “No.”
Are businesses in the City of Torrance subject to LA County’s $15 minimum wage ordinance?
No. Because Torrance is an incorporated city, businesses located in the City of Torrance (see a map of Torrance city limits here) are not subject to the LA County minimum wage ordinance, which requires businesses to pay a $15 minimum wage by 2020. The City of Torrance does not have its own minimum wage ordinance; therefore, businesses in Torrance are obligated to pay the state minimum wage, which increased to $10/hr on January 1, 2016. Although Torrance businesses are not directly subject to the ordinance, the ordinance is having indirect effects on many Torrance employers who have decided to increase wages to maintain competitive wages with nearby communities. TACC extensively reported on this dynamic last year.
Will the City of Torrance follow nearby cities that have raised minimum wage?
No (we think). In an interview leading up to Torrance Mayor Patrick Furey’s State of the City Address in September 2015, TACC asked Mayor Furey this very question. Furey responded, “We’ve decided to stay back on that (a minimum wage increase). I don’t think that’s something that should be done by municipalities. It should be statewide so we are all on an even playing field, and we’ve maintained that position.”
Should you have any additional questions about this issue, or others, contact TACC’s Government Affairs Coordinator Brandon Matson at 310-792-2339, or email him at BrandonMatson@TorranceChamber.com. Also, check out TACC Advocacy Operations online.
Did you know? TACC is the only chamber of commerce in the South Bay that has a full-time Government Affairs Coordinator to facilitate Torrance business advocacy on a daily basis. This is a tremendous value added to your membership with the Torrance Area Chamber.
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by Brandon Matson
Brandon is the Governmental Affairs Coordinator for the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce. His primary responsibilities include facilitating the Chamber's Governmental Affairs Policy (GAP) group, planning Chamber events with legislators, and facilitating the Chamber's Political Action Committee (PAC). Feel free to contact him at any time.