by delta | Oct 12, 2020 | Governmental Affairs, News, Take Action
This past Friday, Donna Duperron, President & CEO, Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce; Elise Swanson, President & CEO, San Pedro Chamber of Commerce and Heidi Butzine, President & CEO, Lomita Chamber of Commerce met with Los Angeles County Supervisor...
by Brandon Matson | May 25, 2016 | Governmental Affairs, Take Action
The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce SUPPORTS AB 1868, which would require economic impact statements of proposed major regulations be submitted to the legislature in addition to other rulemaking requirements. Help us to advocate for the passage of AB 1868 by...
by Brandon Matson | May 25, 2016 | Governmental Affairs, Take Action
The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce SUPPORTS SB 936, which encourages the creation of small businesses by expanding their access to loans. Help us to advocate for the passage of SB 936 by following these two easy steps: Download this letter and sign it Email, fax,...
by Brandon Matson | May 24, 2016 | Governmental Affairs, Take Action
The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce is OPPOSED to SB 878, which eliminates worker flexibility and exposes employers to costly penalties, litigation, and government enforcement, by mandating employers in the retail, grocery, or restaurant workplace, including...
by Brandon Matson | May 23, 2016 | Governmental Affairs, Take Action
The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce is OPPOSED to SB 1387, which creates uncertainty for businesses in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) by allowing the California Air Resources Board to modify local market-based incentive programs. In...
by Brandon Matson | Mar 22, 2016 | Governmental Affairs, Take Action
The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce is in SUPPORT of SB 933 authored by South Bay Legislator Benjamin Allen (26th Senate District). This bill establishes the California Teacher Corps program that would provide matching grants to local school districts to create or...