Budget: CalChamber Backs COVID Sick Leave Grants

By: Ashley Hoffman The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting the Governor’s budget proposal to allocate $250 million for relief grants to help small businesses and nonprofits offset the costs of providing COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave. Since early 2020,...

Double-Barreled ‘Tort Wars’ Conflict Heats Up

Nothing is more pervasive in California’s Capitol than what have been dubbed “tort wars” – skirmishes over rules governing personal injury lawsuits. No session of the Legislature is complete without at least one clash over who can sue whom for what act and collect...

Consumer Spending Drops

Retail sales fell a sizeable 1.1% in December. That is after a 1% drop in November. Consumer strength is wavering. Why it matters: Surprising consumer strength has buoyed the economy since COVID, but it finally seems to be buckling under the weight of inflation. The...
Meet Board Member Karen Pryor

Meet Board Member Karen Pryor

Karen Pryor, Mutual of Omaha Reverse Karen Pryor began her mortgage lending career as a broker associate in 1993. Focusing on referral-based business, she grew her loan production, became a retail branch of a direct lender, then in 2017, took on a regional role,...

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