Last week, it was my honor to welcome Heather Vardell, 2017 National President and Neil Fitzgerald, 2017 National Vice President to the Chamber office. Heather and Neil represent the United States Junior Chamber (JCI). Heather and Neil were visiting as a result of a request made by Melissa Yamada to start a Junior Chamber of Commerce, under the umbrella of the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce.
After a series of meetings with Melissa, and through mentorship of Don Lee, a former Torrance Jaycee, the meeting with Vardell and Fitzgerald yielded positive results. Announcements will be made in upcoming editions of Chamber Weekly as to a Meet-and-Greet to learn more about the program.
JCI is a nonprofit organization of young active citizens, age 18 to 40, who are engaged and committed to creating a positive impact in their communities. Active citizens are individuals invested in the future of the world. JCI develops the skills, knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and take action. JCI also embraces new ideas, collaboration and diversity, and has the passion and courage to address the critical changes in our world.