Karen Moore (left), Materials Acquisitions Manager, and JC Bass (right), Manager of Individual Giving
I have had the honor and privilege of visiting businesses each week for the past 18 months in order to create Out and About columns. Within the scope of each visit, I learn about struggles, positive outcomes, and most of all the fascinating businesses which make up our remarkable community. This week’s visit provided the opportunity to visit a Torrance business that is truly one of a kind.
As I entered the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, located at 18600 Crenshaw Blvd., Torrance, I was amazed and intrigued. Habitat for Humanity ReStores are non-profit home improvement stores and donation centers that sell new and gently used furniture, appliances, home accessories, building materials and more to the public at a fraction of the retail price. ReStores are independently owned and operated by local Habitat for Humanity organizations. Proceeds are used to help build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter in local communities and around the world.
Greeted by Karen Moore, Materials Acquisitions Manager and JC Bass, Manager of Individual Giving, I was provided a tour of the ReStore. Catching my eye was the variety of items available for purchase. There is furniture, barbeques, notebooks, rugs, light fixtures, cabinets, handyman gloves, appliances, paint, windows, patio doors, file cabinets and so much more! Karen explained that most donations come from businesses and homeowners. Individuals can make a donation by calling (866) 746-7434 or by going online to www.DonateToHabitat.org.
As I toured the location, I noticed so many shoppers. “People of all income levels shop here. ReStores offer a good deal for the shopper, for the community and for the environment,” commented Karen.
The Torrance ReStore location will be celebrating Earth Day, Thursday, April 21st through April 24th. Rain Barrel preorders will be taken on April 21st with distribution and a rain water harvesting workshop on Sunday, April 24th. Also available will be workshops and coupons for 25% off specific items.
The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce values Habitat for Humanity Restore’s membership and encourages chamber members to participate in the celebration of Earth Day all weekend long, April 21st through April 24th, at the Crenshaw location.

by Donna Duperron
Donna is the President & CEO of the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce. Do you have questions about or concerns for business in Torrance? Donna would like to know. Feel free to contact her at any time.