David Gambia, Vice Chairman Government Affairs, will welcome Aram Chaparyan, Torrance City Manager and Sheila Poisson, Finance Director to the Thursday, October 14th Government Affairs Policy (GAP) meeting. The Torrance City Council has approved placing a ¾-cent sales tax increase on the June 2022 election ballot. The tax hike is estimated to raise 26.7 million annually. Chaparyan and Poisson will make a presentation on the sales tax proposal.
If voter approved, Torrance would spend the estimated $26.7 million in the following ways:
–$18.5 million to address quality of life issues, such as homelessness response, public safety, park improvements, downtown revitalization, affordable housing, and city beautification.
–$6 million for fiscal sustainability to rebuild the city’s reserve balances for unforeseen emergencies.
–$1.5 million for city building improvements and maintenance to address aging infrastructure, compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and seismic upgrades; and
–$750,000 for cyber security, a top priority after the city suffered an attack last year.
Torrance Chamber members are encouraged to attend this virtual meeting. To reserve your space, please register below.